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Elevator Pitch


Tide is an innovative, decentralized exchange designed to provide users with a secure, user-friendly, and feature-rich trading experience. The platform seeks to combat liquidity fragmentation that is found amongst DEXs. through seamless integration with LayerZero offering an omnichain alternative, and unifying a $1.2T market. Traders have the ability to utilise Base, Arbitrum, BNBChain, AVAX, Optimism and soon Polygon & ZKSync.

Tide offers Synthetic Contracts and Fiat-on-Ramp without KYC, all powered by a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) model. Tide aims to revolutionize the way we think about exchanged and the overall landscape by combining an omnichain approach, through strategic partnerships, and a strong community-driven approach.

Tide launched it's Alpha Testnet in March 2023 (can be found here:] and within 7 Days had gathered over $450m volume across 3000+ traders.

In April 2023, Tide received Legal Opinion classifying the Tide Token as a 'Utility Token'.

Key Features:

  1. Cross-Chain Interoperability: Tide leverages LayerZero's infrastructure to ensure seamless communication between multiple blockchains, removing fragmentation and creating a frictionless trading environment for users.

  2. Aggregation: The platform seeks to offer comprehensive aggregation services, enabling users to access liquidity from numerous Perpetual DEXs.

  3. Synthetic Contracts: For Trading, Tide supports synthetic contracts, allowing users to gain exposure to a wide variety of assets without actually owning the underlying assets. This feature opens up new trading possibilities and enhances the platform's versatility.

  4. Fees: Tide Fees are transparent fixed at 0.35%. Fees are shared with Token Holders & Liquidity Providers.

  5. Fiat On-Ramp without KYC: Tide offers a fiat on-ramp solution that allows users to fund their accounts and start trading quickly without the need for KYC procedures. This feature ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience for new users joining the platform, users are able to on-ramp in minutes, Tide does not take custody of funds.

  6. Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO): Tides governance model empowers token holders to actively participate in decision-making processes, allowing the platform to evolve and adapt to the needs of its users. Token holders benefit not only from transaction fees generated by the protocol but also from DAO investments and profit distributions incentivising both users and builders.

  7. Innovative Marketing and Community Building: Tide will employ a multi-faceted marketing strategy that includes influencer marketing, content marketing, community building, and traditional Web2 advertising methods. The platform focuses on engaging users through surveys, focus groups, and online forums to gather feedback and drive continuous improvement.

  8. Partnerships and Integrations: Tide collaborates with prominent partners in the crypto ecosystem, such as LayerZero, Chainlink, and BNBChain, to enhance its offerings, expand its reach, and attract more users.

  9. Referral and Rewards Programs: To incentivize user growth and engagement, Tide offers referral programs, token drops, and bonus tokens to users who contribute to the platform.

By combining an omnichain approach, removing liquidity fragmentation and with a strong focus on user experience, community building, and strategic partnerships, Tide aims to become a leading force in the cryptocurrency trading space, setting new standards for DEXs and the industry as a whole through convenience, incentivisation, and user empowerment.

Last updated